This advice is for people in the early stages of needing better glutes. It is not for people looking for sport specific glute exercises. Perhaps I will write that one later. For now, this is for those with tendon or bursae, joint or stability issues, those who want to get on top of pain problems, or those who want to keep working glutes throughout pregnancy. If you are after more than this, then The Glute Guy is where you should look.

This blog does cover six very useful exercises and some key do's and don'ts that we find useful for healing glute related pain. As there is no one size fits all recovery plan for any injury, your TLC osteopath will have further education, specific lifestyle and exercise advice to offer in addition to skilled hands on care. You can book in here
Do's and Don'ts
During the initial phases of recovering from glute pain, you should tactfully limit exercises that aggravate your pain. Typically, these exercises are the ones that aggravated your glute in the first place - such as sitting cross legged, walking in heels, sleeping on the affected side, dead lifts squats, jumping and lunges. The 'gossip' position will also need to be avoided (see image). .We often advise against glute stretching.

As the muscles, tendons and/or bursae heal we will work with you to carefully increase your exposure to the activities that matter to you and your sport. In the mean time, you can continue with almost all other weight lifting exercises. Depending on how irritable your hip is, you may also be able to continue with some running and other cardio regimes. However swim styles like breast stroke and running that involves hill or speed work will very likely need to be halted. As direct glute stretching is likely to aggravate the healing structures, you should consider rolling out with a tennis ball, using a massage gun or a TENs unit to help loosen up stiff feeling muscles.
These exercises should be performed slowly. Very slowly. Tendons hate speed and bursas hate poor posture - when we move slow we are able to annoying avoid both.
Clams This is a fundamental glute exercise. Research shows it as having very high recruitment of the Glute Med - a muscle that is key to stabilizing the him. 4 slow reps, then 4 reps at a comfortable pace. Repeat on each side 3 times.
2. Reverse clam
This complements the clam exercise, making sure we work all the glute muscles. 4 slow reps, then 4 reps at a comfortable pace. Repeat on each side 3 times.
3. Marching glute bridge
This exercise challenges the glutes in balance. It is important to keep the hips high and the pelvis level throughout the movement.
Move slowly from foot to foot over a 1 minute period 3 times.
4. Side lying glute hold
Should be held for 30 seconds to one minute per side, alternate side 4 times. Add a band between your knees for increased difficulty.
5. Single leg box squat
This is an advanced exercise that we would ideally show you in clinic. The video gives a nice over view. Depending on your presentation we would adjust the height of the box and how knee or hip dominant the exercise it. 5 slow reps per side for 3-4 sets.
As a final note, a strained glute is a strained glute. You are not injured, only your glute/hip is. We are here to help, so if you are not sure please ask!
Book now Written by Darryl Jenkins
TLC Osteopaths,
Hamilton Nz
